“Artemis and Apollo: The Dynamic Duo of Instagram Fame and Their Unforgettable Encounter”

Meet two delightful Maine Coons, Artemis and Apollo, who are making waves on Instagram with the help of their devoted owner, Reka Komoli. These feline friends, who reside in London with Reka and Peter, have amassed an impressive following of over 117,000 fans. They even published a book chronicling their lives and adventures, complete with a calendar, and recently embarked on a photographic tour of Scotland in preparation for their next book. With modeling gigs and public appearances on the horizon, these cats show no signs of slowing down in 2019. According to Reka, their owner, “I think they have plans to take over the world,” but for now, her focus is on completing their upcoming Scottish book – a photo comic featuring hundreds of stunning images that tell the mystical tale of Artemis and Apollo’s quest for the medieval “Holy Catnip.” This treasure-hunting thriller is sure to delight fans with its mix of adventure and comedy.

Meet Artemis and Apollo - The Purrington Post

We are planning to embark on a second Scottish trip during the upcoming summer season to capture more stunning photographs. Having learned from our previous experiences, we hope that this excursion will go smoothly and pave the way for a book series featuring Wales, Ireland, and England. Despite being a proud cat mom to Artemis and Apollo, Reka was not always a cat person. Growing up, she had dogs as pets and previously owned a ferret named Clark Snow who was her faithful companion for over eight years until he passed away in 2014, leaving her heartbroken. It was during this period that Jonesy, the O2 cat, became popular due to its striking appearance. Reka was immediately drawn to the majestic look of the Maine Coon.

Artemis and Apollo | PetLondon Models | Professional Pet Model Agency

Reka loves Maine Coons for their size and unique features, and chose to adopt two cats, Artemis and Apollo, to keep each other company while they travel for work. The adoptive siblings initially took a few days to warm up to each other, but are now very bonded and attached. Reka started an Instagram account for them as a joke, but it grew quickly and now has a steady following of long-term fans who appreciate the joy and fun that the cats bring. The cats are not trained, but have been modelling for Reka since they were kittens, and enjoy posing for pictures as part of their playtime. They love interacting with humans and also have their own quiet time to meditate and be by themselves.

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