“Bazooka the Ginger Tabby: The Internet’s Newest Feline Sensation”

Bazooka, a ginger tabby cat, has captured the hearts of many cat lovers worldwide due to his remarkable size. He weighed a whopping 35lbs and required two drivers to transport him to the Wake SPCA of North Carolina. Despite his weight, Bazooka remained in good spirits throughout the journey. When he arrived at the shelter, the staff knew they had to have him after seeing his picture. The five-year-young feline friend was transported from Davidson County, which took about two hours. Darci Vanderslik, the spokesperson for the organization, said, “They alerted us to Bazooka here, and once we saw the pictures, we were like ‘we have to get this kitty'”. Bazooka’s arrival has caused quite a stir on the internet, and many people are enamored with him due to his size and adorable appearance.

Bazooka, a ginger tabby cat, was brought to a shelter after his previous owner, who had dementia, passed away. The cat was unintentionally overfed by his owner, leading to his obesity. He is now with a foster family who has put him on a new diet and weight loss plan. Bazooka is also healing emotionally, as his previous owner had a genuine love for him and thought he was doing what was best. The goal is to reduce his weight by 20 to 25 pounds, given that 35 pounds is quite heavy for a cat. Bazooka has a calm demeanor and is cooperating well with his new diet plan. Despite his name, he is a good-natured feline. He has already found a new owner, but it’s vital to remember that many other cats are up for adoption too. Shedding every pound will improve Bazooka’s overall well-being, and he has a bright future ahead of him.

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