Get to know Bowie: The Feline Superstar with Heterochromia and a Distinctive Appearance

Meet Bowie, the gorgeous rescued cat whose striking blue and green eyes have captured the attention of people all over the world. This European Shorthair has a rare genetic condition called heterochromia, which gives him uniquely coloured eyes. His owner and rescuer, Maria Lloret from Spain, says that Bowie is a very playful and lively cat who loves nothing more than playing with his feline friends. In this interview with Maria, we’ll learn more about Bowie’s bubbly personality and discuss why people should consider adopting rescue pets. Don’t forget to show your love and support by giving Bowie’s photos a thumbs up! Although Bowie was named after the famous musician David Bowie, he doesn’t have the same eye colour as the singer. However, his resemblance to the music legend is uncanny, and we can’t help but wonder if Bowie has any hidden musical talents of his own. For more information on Bowie, you can check out his Instagram (Cat), Facebook, Blog, and Instagram (Cat Mom) pages.


What a breathtaking animal! Its hues are so vivid and diverse, it’s as if you’re whisked away into a fantastical realm similar to Willy Wonka’s. With its beautiful pink, deep blue, bright yellow, rich red, and brown shades, there’s an abundance to cherish. I even found myself capitalizing “White” by mistake- what a peculiar thing! Nevertheless, let’s return to appreciating this splendid feline.




Bowie, like most cats, loves spending long hours sleeping and eating to his heart’s content. His owner, Maria, says that he has never come across any food that Bowie does not like. Her feline friend purrs with excitement whenever he sees treats. The little mice that make sounds when shaken are Bowie’s favorite toys, and watching him play with them is quite amusing. It’s fascinating to see him throw them up in the air and catch them. Unfortunately, Bowie was abandoned in a park when he was only three months old. Fortunately, a local animal shelter in Maria’s hometown of Benidorm rescued him, and he found his forever home there.






Maria and her sister came across an advertisement seeking a family to adopt a cat. They instantly fell in love with Bowie, not only because of his good looks but also his affectionate demeanor and constant purring. Upon bringing him home, Bowie devoured his food and cozied up in Maria’s arms for a nap. Maria shared that all of her cats are rescues and she believes that rescuing animals from shelters can save lives. There are numerous animals waiting for a second chance at finding a loving home. Additionally, Maria advocates for black cats to be adopted as they often get overlooked due to superstitions. Her previous black cat named Louis was not in the best health, but with some tender love and care, he turned into an amazing companion. The family misses him deeply.






The owner of a remarkable black cat named Bowie, who has two different colored eyes, shared that cats who are older, disabled, or unwell often struggle to find homes. However, she emphasized that these feline companions make excellent pets. Older cats tend to be more laid-back and less likely to damage furniture or belongings. Felines with health issues can also teach their owners valuable lessons in patience and love. Moreover, it is believed that black cats bring good luck! Some people have questioned Bowie’s name since the famous singer didn’t have heterochromia, but the owner felt her cat’s unique eyes and nose marking made the name perfectly fitting.










































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