Heart-wrenching Farewell: Loyal Dog Refuses to Leave Owner’s Casket in Tear-Jerking Moment.

Last week, a funeral was held in rural Kentucky for Jason Ellis, a 33-year-old K-9 officer who was killed in an apparent ambush. Over 1,000 people attended the funeral, including hundreds of police officers from neighboring states who came to pay their respects.

Ellis’ loyal police dog, Fido, also made an appearance and placed his paw on the casket that was closed shut. Photographer Jonathan Palmer managed to capture this heart-wrenching moment in a single frame.

On the day Ellis was attacked and killed while clearing debris on a highway off-ramp in Bardstown, Kentucky, his loyal companion Fido was not by his side. This incident occurred on May 25 and the community of Bardstown, with a population of around 12,000, is still grappling with the unresolved murder of Ellis.

Many other K-9 officers paid their respects at the funeral, with their furry companions howling from their parked patrol cars, as reported by the Herald Leader.

At the ceremony, when the honor guard was called, numerous officers immediately stood up, and around 60 police dogs barked in response to the 21-gun salute performed by the guards. Ellis, who had served in the police force for six years, was commemorated by Bardstown Police Chief Rick McCubbin, who made a promise to pursue the culprit responsible for the tragedy.

As the leader, Jason, I want to tell you that you’re not just a member of our team, but a hero. Don’t worry, I won’t give up easily. My friend Jason, take a break and leave it to us. Ellis’ beloved wife, Amy, and two young boys, Hunter and Parker, aged 7 and 6, are left behind. Our fallen officer, Ellis, died doing what he loved most – serving as a police officer.

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