How One Woman Celebrated Her “Ugly” Dog’s Inner Beauty and Went Viral

It’s really disappointing to see people using negative labels to criticize others. Nobody should be judged based on their physical attributes, and this applies not only to human beings but also to animals. It’s important to treat everyone with respect and kindness.

It is important to accept all living beings for who they are, irrespective of their differences. Unfortunately, some individuals fail to comprehend this fundamental truth and tend to judge others based on their appearance in specific situations, even if that is not how they were naturally born. Meet Alan, an adorable one-year-old mixed breed boxer with an unusual snout due to a genetic condition that makes it crooked and tilt to the right when closed. Alan was rescued by Johanna Handley, a 41-year-old animal lover from Godalming, England, after he was abandoned in Doha, Qatar.

Johanna expressed that even though other people may say negative things about puppies, she knows that her dog, Alan, is amazing and unique. She was tired of people calling him ugly, so she came up with a plan to create a social media account to showcase his adorable features. Fortunately, the response was amazing.

Johanna decided to up the challenge by setting up an account for her pet dog, Alan, called “Alan the Wonky Dog.” This was aimed specifically at people who criticize Alan’s appearance. Johanna recounted how she had received numerous negative comments about Alan’s looks and even had some offers from people to donate money for surgery to fix his face. However, Johanna declined these offers as she didn’t want to put Alan through unnecessary procedures. Despite the criticism, Alan has become an internet sensation. He now has a huge following of over 141,000 fans on social media, with more than a million likes on his posts.

Johanna’s main goal is to showcase the beauty of her dog’s character and spirit, despite his physical appearance. She advocates for the adoption of dogs with special needs, as they also deserve love and care just like any other living creature. Recently, she took her dog to a vet to assess him for surgery due to potential respiratory issues, but was delighted to find out that her furry friend was in excellent health. The recommended surgery would have been too painful and unnecessary, so Johanna decided against it. Fans of Alan, Johanna’s lovable dog, can meet him and other furry friends along with their human companions at the upcoming Paw of Live Event.


The song “i love you baby” by Emilee sets the tone for Johana’s strong affection towards her furry companion. Despite facing attacks, Johana has shown remarkable courage and love towards her loyal friend, which has earned her numerous compliments on her social media account. According to Johana, her furry buddy is adored by all who know him. Saving him was a great relief for her because he is an indispensable member of her family.

The story of Alan is truly touching, and we can assist his mother in promoting the adoption of these unique puppies by spreading the word. Let’s share his story far and wide.

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