“Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat: A Unique and Adorable Feline with a Special Background”

I hold the belief that all cats are stunning. Regardless of their appearance, every feline possesses their own unique traits and qualities that make them special and distinct. I particularly adore one ex-feral cat named Mau Mau, who resembles a character straight from a cartoon. Her vibrant expressions and distinctive features are simply captivating and endearing. For individuals who share my appreciation for unconventional cats, Mau Mau’s beauty is truly infinite. Although her early life remains shrouded in mystery, this petite feline now spends her days contentedly with her loving owner in Norfolk, England.

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

In the wake of losing my old cat last summer, I made up my mind to adopt a rescue. So, I reached out to local rescues and feline care stood out as they had a great system where you complete a form and they try to match a cat to you. They gave me a callback and right off the bat said, ‘I think we have the perfect cat for you but she’s a bit weird’. I was thrilled and responded that it sounded just perfect for me. I went over to see her the following week and brought her home a few days later. I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her 😊. The rescue agency named her Mau Mau, and I’m not sure why, but the moniker suited her so well that I decided not to alter it. It’s also quite similar to the sound she makes at dinner time! Moving on, Mau Mau’s personality is charming and endearing. She’s a little shy around strangers but can be quite the social butterfly around familiar faces. Her favorite hobbies include snuggling up with me while we watch TV, chasing toys around the house, and soaking up some sun by the window.

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

Can you describe her character? Despite her size, she has a huge personality that shines through. Her facial expressions are very revealing – she crinkles her nose at new smells and gives me a pleading look with her big eyes when she wants something. At times, she’s not afraid to give me a stern glare if I’m not following her orders! One of her cutest habits is bringing me a fluffy pom pom every night when I go to bed. What does she enjoy doing in her free time? Her favorite pastime is definitely napping, though she prefers to do it near me. If I accidentally leave the room without her noticing, she’ll cry out until she hears my voice. Another thing she loves is playing with soft toys and carrying them around.

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