“Rescued Pup Freed from Inhumane Chain – Heartwarming After Photos Guaranteed to Make You Smile!”

There are two types of people when it comes to dogs: those who treat them like their own children and those who subject them to inhumane conditions. Sadly, Cala, a guard dog in San Jose, Costa Rica, was one of the unfortunate ones who suffered from the latter. Her owner kept her chained up on an extremely short chain that didn’t allow her to rest or breathe properly. She rarely received food or medical attention, even when she was sick. Thankfully, concerned neighbors reported the situation to the authorities and the local animal shelter, Territorio de Zaguates. After being rescued, Cala had to undergo treatment for emaciation, wounds, and malnutrition. According to Lya Battle, the founder of Territorio de Zaguates, Cala was a pitiful creature when they first saw her picture. Her spirit was broken, and she looked ready to give up. The healing process was slow and painful, and the humans around her had to cause her pain during the curing of her wounds. Even after her rescue, Cala faced more abuse when someone tried to poison the dogs at the sanctuary with sausages. While many dogs died, Cala survived, although she suffered from some neurological problems. Now, Cala is living with a foster family and has learned to socialize with both humans and dogs. She is happy, strong, and a bit stubborn, but most importantly, she is loved. Territorio de Zaguates rescues and shelters hundreds of dogs without homes so that they can receive love and affection from people and families. Cala’s story is a testament to the battle between good and bad and love and hate, and in the end, love always wins. Scroll down below to see pictures of Cala’s amazing transformation!

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

According to reports, concerned residents alerted both the police and the local dog shelter, Territorio de Zaguates, about the cruel treatment of the dogs.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Territorio de Zaguates is the source of the image in this article. Cala was in a terrible condition when she was rescued, to the extent that she was unable to stand and had numerous wounds and cuts on her body due to being restrained with chains.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The poor state of her health was such that Cala would have perished if she hadn’t been discovered at the time she was found. Photo credit goes to Territorio de Zaguates.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Taking care of the puppy until it recovered was a prolonged and challenging journey.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The photo credits go to Territorio de Zaguates. Apart from the agony, she had a lot of doubts about other canines and people.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The credit for the image goes to Territorio de Zaguates, but despite the difficulties, the team determined to save her never lost hope.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Territorio de Zaguates deserves credit for the image of Cala, who appears to have improved significantly after receiving medical attention just a few days prior.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Although Cala was saved, she unfortunately had to experience the harsh reality that people can still be very cruel.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

In a recent incident, unknown individuals trespassed into the Territorio de Zaguates sanctuary with the intention of poisoning the dogs by feeding them sausages contaminated with harmful substances. This deplorable act was carried out in June and is a cause for concern for the safety and wellbeing of the innocent animals.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The photo source is Territorio de Zaguates. It’s a sad news that 16 dogs lost their lives, but Cala was fortunate enough to survive with only minor neurological issues.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

According to Lya Battle, the creator of Territorio de Zaguates, she managed to survive because she was a resilient and tenacious individual, in addition to being comparatively larger than others.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

According to Battle, Cala is currently enjoying her life in a brand new home. She’s described as being content, resilient, headstrong, a little obstinate, and pampered by her foster family. The image credits go to Territorio de Zaguates.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The story of the abused dog has a happy ending, but it still angered many to learn about her past mistreatment. Credit goes to Territorio de Zaguates.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

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