Revealing the Secrets of the Purple Fur: A Tale of Strength and Deception Uncovered.

Upon encountering Violet, a small dog with purple fur and numerous bite wounds, Dr. Karri of the “Vet Ranch” clinic was deeply shaken. The dog’s owner, who surrendered her with the intention of putting her down, maintained that she had been attacked by a larger dog. This account was relayed by ilovemydogsomuch.

It is widely known that bait dogs are often dyed purple before being used to train fighting dogs. However, the owner of Violet, a mauled dog with dyed fur, claimed that the purple color was due to wound spray used on her injuries. Unfortunately, due to neglect, Violet’s wounds worsened and she became critically ill. In a revealing video, Dr. Karri takes us through the extensive medical procedure she performed on Violet, administering pain medication and antibiotics while treating multiple infections and abscesses. After 12 days of careful attention, Violet finally recovers from her septic condition.

Observing the initial downcast and discouraged expression on Violet’s face, it is incredibly fulfilling to witness the elated sprint of the dog towards the conclusion. She struggles to contain her appreciative grins every time she is embraced by Dr. Karri!

Violet was fortunate to find a loving family after making a full recovery. Now, she happily resides with her new mom, Kelly, and her furry sibling, Peanut, who is of a similar size. It’s all thanks to the wonderful efforts of Dr. Karri for turning Violet’s life around!

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