Saving a Stranded Pup: Our Journey of Rescue and Recovery

It’s amazing that Lucy is still with us today! She was rescued about three months back from a construction site in Bali where several dogs had disappeared. When her savior spotted her, Lucy was taken aback. A fishing wire was tightly wrapped around her little nose, indicating that she had been caught for the dog meat industry and was ready to be sold and butchered as food. Without delay, Lucy’s rescuer sprang into action, rushing her to the vet for immediate medical attention.

Lucy was discovered with a fishing line tightly wound around her snout, causing severe cuts. Apparently, the unfortunate canine was likely on her way to one of the brutal and inhumane meat farms.

After finding a dog named Lucy bound with a fishing line, we immediately took her to the vet for treatment. Although the fishing line was successfully removed, it wasn’t the only problem she had. Lucy was also diagnosed with parvovirus, a serious condition that made her survival uncertain. Despite the odds, we did everything we could to nurse her back to health and help her recover. Our efforts paid off, and Lucy eventually made a full recovery thanks to our diligent care.

Lucy found a safe haven, but her troubles were far from over. She was diagnosed with the deadly parvovirus and the odds of surviving were only 50/50, as revealed by the vets. It was a precarious situation for a few days, but after two weeks, Lucy started to show improvement and was transferred to a foster home. However, her relief was short-lived as she began exhibiting unusual behavior within a day and tested positive for distemper, adding to her already long list of ailments. Despite her resilience, we didn’t hold out much hope for Lucy as the parvovirus had wreaked havoc on her immune system and she was emaciated when rescued.

Lucy’s journey to recovery was a long and arduous one, with numerous health challenges that she overcame with grit and determination. Nevertheless, she remained wary of human beings and didn’t trust them.

Despite her difficult situation, Lucy refused to give up the fight. We made sure to provide her with constant care and affection by feeding her bone broth through a syringe every few hours. Sadly, she had lost her appetite, so we knew it was up to us to help her along her path to recovery. After receiving the physical care she needed, Lucy was finally ready to begin the journey towards emotional healing. When we first met her, she was silent and refused to make eye contact with anyone. She spent most of her time cowering in the corner of her kennel, only emerging to use the restroom. We could tell that Lucy must have gone through a great deal of trauma before we rescued her, which had understandably caused her to lose faith in humanity.

With the support of veterinarians, foster families, and a multitude of people, Lucy slowly started to recover from her traumatic experiences.

Lucy, who is under the care of Prue, the founder of Mission Paws’ible, has shown remarkable progress in the few months she has been living with her. Although still cautious, Lucy is slowly returning to her happy and energetic self. She loves playing and running around with her furry friends and basking in the sun. Moreover, she’s now comfortable cuddling up with her pals on the couch, something she previously avoided. Most importantly, Lucy has regained trust in humans and other animals.

Lucy is the perfect example of how a little bit of love and a lot of patience can make all the difference. She’s eagerly seeking her forever home and looking forward to a bright and happy future. Fortunately, Mission Paws’ible is currently building The Healing Centre, which will serve as a safe haven for pets like Lucy to rest and recover. From natural raw meals to daily therapeutic oil massages for hairless hounds, animal therapy music, one-on-one human connection, and plenty of sunshine, the centre will offer a full range of treatments to help pets heal and thrive. Ultimately, Lucy’s story is a testament to the power of compassion and care in transforming lives.

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