“Smiling Furry Friends: Honoring the Enduring Positivity and Happiness Our Animal Companions Bring”

Unfortunately, a much-loved and joyful personality in Canada has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Smiley, a blind golden retriever who spent a majority of his 15 years serving as a therapy dog, lost his fight against cancer after three months, resulting in his euthanasia.

On Instagram, Joanne George announced that the next day would mark a farewell to her friend, Smiley. She expressed her gratitude for all that he had done and said releasing him was the only way to repay his kindness. Smiley, a therapy dog, had brought comfort to patients of various ages in hospitals and nursing homes in Stouffville, Ontario. He had a large following on Instagram with 200,000 followers from around the world. Global News reported that his supporters included autistic children, the elderly, and patients of all ages.

Among all of Smiley’s friends, George’s son Shepard will miss him the most. George shared a photo of Shepard visiting Smiley’s burial site, which was one of the last pictures she posted after her dog’s passing. George acknowledged that the pain Shepard was feeling was a result of loving someone with your whole heart, and that although it may hurt, the love and memories are worth it. As the saying goes, “a boy and his dog must part ways eventually.”

Months ago, George shared the unfortunate news about Smiley’s cancer diagnosis on her Facebook page. She expressed how difficult it was to type out the announcement and revealed that a mass/tumour was discovered in Smiley’s stomach and liver. It was heartbreaking for her to accept that the dog she thought would live forever had limited time left with them. Despite Smiley’s recent joyful behavior, his condition was hard to comprehend and left George and her family shocked and devastated.

CBC Toronto created a video to celebrate the life of an incredibly kind dog named Smiley. The emotional tribute touched the hearts of thousands of Smiley fans worldwide. One commenter expressed their belief that Smiley’s passing and the outpouring of love for him proves that there are still many compassionate people in the world.

Smiley, the adorable canine, wouldn’t dream of seeing his buddies feeling down. To lighten up your day, tap on the icon below and go through an uplifting rescue tale that will put a smile on your face.

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