Adorable Feline with Uniquely Patterned Paws Finds a Loving Home with Woman Who Couldn’t Resist His Charm

Meet Scooter, a little homeless kitty who came into the world in Elkhart, Indiana.

Sad Kitten With Very Unique Paws Walks Up To Woman And Begs Her To Take Him Home 1

It’s unfortunate that the kitten has a set of distinctive deformed paws that make it difficult for him to move around. Nonetheless, Scooter remains optimistic and hopeful that someone will accept him with open arms. He doesn’t wait for that person to come, however. Instead, Scooter takes matters into his own paws and goes on a quest to find a permanent home. One day, he wanders into a woman’s backyard and starts meowing loudly to get her attention.

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While inside her home, the woman heard some commotion and decided to investigate. To her surprise, she found a little kitten in her yard seeking assistance. Without any hesitation, she picked up the kitten and took it to the nearest vet for a checkup. The vets’ report revealed that the kitten, named Scooter, had contracted a respiratory infection and an eye infection. Additionally, the vets discovered that Scooter’s feet had shortened ligaments, causing his paws to turn inward.

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Scooter received the necessary medical assistance that he required, and his health slowly started to improve. As the kitten began to feel better, he became eligible for adoption. Fortunately, a couple who were fond of felines and already had two cats, stepped forward to adopt Scooter and provide him with a loving and nurturing home.

Right from the start, Scooter’s distinctive paws didn’t hinder him from pursuing his heart’s desires. He relished playing with his foster brothers and sisters, as well as his recently acquired toys.

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