From Balcony to Service Companion: The Heartwarming Journey of a Resilient Dog and a Military Veteran.

After enduring a frightening drop from a balcony on the second floor, ‘Miracle’ has managed to survive and is all set to start a fresh chapter of his life as a service dog for a veteran. After spending several months in foster care, the brave pup is all geared up for this new journey.

Last December, a video showing a young German Shepherd being thrown from a balcony in Daytona Beach gained widespread attention online. Fortunately, the dog has now been adopted and will soon start her new role as a service dog for a military veteran. The court found that the previous owner, Allison Murphy, was unfit to take care of the dog and approved a petition for her rehoming. Murphy has since been charged with a felony and is prohibited from owning animals for the next five years.

In December 2020, the authorities in Volusia County received a report about a woman threatening to jump off the balcony of a hotel in Daytona Beach. Unfortunately, before the sheriffs could arrive, a man named Murphy grabbed his dog and threw her over the balcony instead. Fortunately, the brave canine managed to recover and run away despite sustaining minor injuries. Witnesses quickly helped her and took her to a nearby animal hospital for treatment, where she earned the nickname “Miracle.”

Since December, Miracle has been under the care of a foster family. Although she is still a young registered service dog, she has already shown great potential in offering love and support to those in need. Recently, Animal Services has found her a new home with a war veteran who requires an assistance animal. With their unique set of skills, service dogs like Miracle can help veterans with injuries and physical limitations by performing tasks like opening doors, controlling switches, fetching goods, and even barking for assistance. Beyond that, they also provide emotional comfort to veterans suffering from PTSD or other mental health concerns as a result of their service.

Volusia County’s Animal Services Director, Adam Leath expressed his appreciation and commendation to everyone who helped in ensuring Miracle found a happy ending. He added that they are thrilled to have worked with their law enforcement counterparts to protect the innocent animal. The county’s animal services and law enforcement agencies remain dedicated to providing aid and support for both pets and their owners.

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